Black Friday + Small Business Saturday
If ever there's a time to do something crazy, it's Black Friday + Small Business Saturday.
So I present to you: SOMETHING CRAZY 😱
*in-person only* — at my 3 Friday & Saturday events (scroll down to see where) —
And then, on Small Business Saturday only an additional crazy offer for you —
These are the lowest prices everrrr and the ONLY time they will be available this year!
So where can you get these deals?
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11 a.m. - 2 p.m. • 137 Main Road, Tiverton, Rl • website
I'll have a table set up at the cat cafe! Come join me for a coffee or snack from the cafe, or visit the cat room to play with some real-life (adoptable!) kitties!
WHAT WE'LL HAVE: Limited number of plushies • books • stickers • mugs
5:30-9:30 p.m. • Farm Fresh, 10 Sims Ave., Providence, Rl • website
Check out unique and affordable gifts from 75+ artisans in the very cool Farm Fresh building!
WHAT WE'LL HAVE: plushies • books • stickers • mugs • T-shirts • plushie accessories • pins
10 a.m. - 4 p.m. • Chick Marchand Field, 100 Newhill Ave., Somerset • website
Brought to you by the organizers of SOAM, this one-day holiday market event will be full of local gift shopping, food, entertainment, and nostalgic highlights sure to leave you with unforgettable memories and filled with the spirit of the season. This is not your grandmom's typical craft fair!
WHAT WE'LL HAVE: plushies • books • stickers • mugs • T-shirts • plushie accessories • pins
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