A NEW season (of comic cons!) + an OLD college project
Where a 21-year-old gets the idea to think about life as a series of seasons — enough to do her entire senior project as a book about it — I have no idea.
But that’s the kind of college kid I was. (Cool? Maybe not so much.)
Why am I telling you this?
Well, because 21-year-old me wasn't wrong: Life is ... yeah, a series of seasons.
Some seasons are the relaxing ones. Some are ... challenging (to put it nicely).
And some nudge you out of your comfort zone and stretch you into new territory.
This Saturday, that particular season starts for me.
I am talking about pop•up market season (!!!)
Yesss I’ve done markets before — that’s not the new thing.
The new thing, is the kinds of markets I’m trying.
… Have you ever been to a comic con? :-)
If you’ve ever considered going, may I personally invite you to several local ones this season! Because your favorite cat-dragon-octopus trio will be invading ALL of them, starting this Saturday at Kids Con in New Hampshire!
(Bet ya didn’t know there are actually several comic cons in New England!)
- Rhode Island AnimeCon: July 29-30
- Boston FanExpo: Aug. 4-6
- Granite State Comic Con: Sept. 15-17
- Rhode Island Comic Con: Nov. 3-5
- Kids Con (Portland, Maine): Nov. 11
Plus lots of other events this year as well!
And the best part? Information about all these markets FINALLY live right here on my website: I have an ENTIRE PAGE about upcoming events!
Ya know, when I wrote my senior project, I hadn’t yet been through a great variety of seasons yet. But as you get along in life, you gain more experience to draw from.
I was thinking about that senior project (and wrote this blog post) because I actually just got back from a retirement party for one of my favorite professors from that season of my life, back in college.
He’s starting a new season of his own.
Very different from market season, but with its own set of opportunities and challenges.
Maybe this is not exactly how 21-year-old me had pictured things at 34, but it’s a pretty cool season to be starting.
Hope to see you along for the ride!